This film follows a

community group as it

resists forced relocation

and demolition of houses,

churches and businesses

for a new auto plant.

Shown in business ethics,

anthropology, sociology,

political science, social

work, urban studies,

planning, law, and

economics courses.

Also used by community

groups and churches

working for social change.


To Rent, Purchase or Preview this film:

Information Factory
3512 Courville
Detroit Michigan 48224
(313) 885-4685
fax (313) 885-4685
email: George Corsetti at

"An Engrossing film that shows the corporate state in action. This film is a must."

Ralph Nader

Poletown Lives! documents nothing short of a social massacre, a courageous last stand by defiant, often white-haired old men and women against the immense gendarme of General Motors, the UAW, the Detroit Archdiocese, the local media and government leaders..."

Wayne State University Paper

"...A stunning and dramatic vision of the clash between the rich and the poor in America...a documentary of class conflict."

Sally Engle Merry

American Anthropologist


Awards and Screenings

Blue Ribbon Winner, American Film Festival, 1983

Grand Prize Winner, Black Moria Film & Video Festival, 1983

Shown in:  Canada, China, Italy, France, Spain, Ireland, Germany, and Australia.

Available on DVD, VHS and 16mm

Running time: 52 minutes

Poletown Lives!   Created by George Corsetti, Jeanie Wylie-Kellerman and Richard Wieske